Erectile Dysfunction means lacking required penile erection while having sex or not maintaining it as long as the couple reaches the climax of the meeting. Though the problem is common to men of advanced age, it may be faced by a man of any age group. Lacking errection sometimes, for sure, is not a concern, but if it recurs or persists, it may result in mental stress and deter mutual relations and self esteem. Earlier this situation was called impotency or taken as a psychological disorder or related to advancing age, but recently opinions have changed. It has been clear that Erectile Dysfunction largely relates to physical factors instead of psychological ones and that many men maintain proper errection in their eighties too. Though discussion on sexual issues with the doctor may come slightly uncomfortable, it has its own advantages to seek help regarding. Its treatment ranges from medicine to surgery which restores the ability to have sex as usual.
Once physicians were of the opinion that Erectile Dysfunction is caused by psychological factors, but it is not right. With no doubt emotions and feelings play crucial role in erection, yet the cause of Erectile Dysfunction may be physical; such as a chronicle illness or medicinal reaction and sometimes multiple factors cause Erectile Dysfunction.
In some cases Erectile Dysfunction may be a symptom of any other disease.
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