In Unani Tibb,Umoor-e-Tabaiyah begins with the elements as it is the basic constituent of the human body. Elements (Arkan) or (Anasir) are simple indivisible matters which provide the basic components for the human body and others. They can't be further resolved into simpler entitles. The various substances (compounds) in nature depend on their imtizaj (chemical combinations) for their existence.
The above statement regarding the elements by Ibn Sina (Avicenna) shows that there is hardly any difference between ancient and modern concept of elements. Unsur (elements) or the atom is the lowest level of organization of the human body and other creations.
Atoms combine in the different ways to yield monomers (amino acids, nucleotides, mono sugars) which are the building blocks of biological macromolecules (proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides) the constituents of humours (Akhlat). Macromolecules are combined with smaller molecules to form cell organelles i.e.cell membrane, mito chondria, endoplasmic reticulum and lysosomes. The organelles are combined to form cells , the cell form tissues, the tissues form organs, and organs form organism. Here ,we see that the Tibbi physicians start their study from atoms or element (Arkan) and not from a cell. The views regarding the number and properties of elements (Anair) have also been different. Some of the ancient philosophers like Thales (640-546 B.C), Anaximines (611-544B.C) Heraklitus (540-475 B.C) and Phrekides (6th cent.B.C) maintained that there was only one element present, they regarded water, air, fire and earth as the principal ingredients of all things in the universe. They were of the opinion that there was only one element which transformed into other elements after taghayur and istihalah.. Then ,there were two and three element theories. The exponents of three element theory propounded that all the matters exist in three states i.e. solid , liquid and gas.
As the above concept of three states of matter could not get general acceptance, the theory of four elements was compounded. The exponents of this theory contended that fire, air, water and earth were four primary elements . This concept was widely accepted and Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.), Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) Galen (130-200 B.C.), Avicenna and in fact all other followers belonging to mashayin became and cense quietly the Tibb was incarcerated in the dilemma of fours. Exponent of this concept. According to this concept all the four elements contribute to the formation of things nature. The human body is also made up of these four fundamental elements. They attributed binary qualities to each of the anasir to express their mizaj and properties, These are as follows.
The relationship, according to Aristotle between the qualities of the Elements, and the Humours. In fact the above elements are four states of matter where hawa (air ) stands for gaseous elements, ma stands for liquid elements, ardh for solid elements and nar for the matter which has been transformed into heat energy, whose ultimate source is the Sun whose energy is transformed into all kinds of energy in the universe.
About nineteen arkan (elements) participate into the elementary composition of the human body. The six basic anasir (elements) O, C, H,N, P& S contribute 97.25%of total cell mass of the living organism and provides the structural element to the ratubat ghariziyah (protoplasm) The metallic elements Na,K, Ca, Cu, Zn, Se,Mo,F,Cl, I, Mn, Co, Fe, contribute 2.75% of the cell.
Therefore, the surat nauiyah of an unsur (elements) is nothing but its atomic structure that depends upon the atomic number No two elements (anasir) carry the same . Like wise, surat nauiyah of a compound depends upon the molecular structure of that compound.
The properties of an Unsur (element), according to Tibb are described in terms of their mizaj (temperament) which is expressed in terms of four kayfiyat (qualities ) i.e. heat ,cold, moistness and dryness. Heat and cold are considered Kayfiyat fa'llah (active qualities). In view of the modern concept it will be seen that heat is positive thing and absence of heat is known as cold. Therefore , cold is a negative quality. In fact both are relative terms . Neither there is anything hot nor cold but one thing is colder or hotter in relation to another thing likewise, if there is excess of water in a thing , it is said bilfil (actually) moist and if there is less water in a thing it may be said as dry. These two terms are also relative to each other .How ever, if there is not a single molecule of water present in a compound it is said absolutely dry. Generally two non antagonistic properties are combined together to express the mizaj of a thing.
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